Fab Fashionista's!

WEEK 1   1/01/11 - 8/01/11

Welcome to the Fab Fashionista's page! Take a look at some of these great outfits,and be inspired.The reason we love them is their unique,which is like your own brand mark.They stand out,they use stardoll to express who they are! So feel the need to comment & if theirs anyone who YOU think deserves to be here next time then leave a comment.


As you can see many of these outfits are unqiue,stand out and it shows that the people have a bold character,which is needed in the fashion industry.Fashion is a big thing,and many people are influence by outfits they've seen,items they've liked etc. so hopefully these outfits will inspire you,give you new ideas and help you on your way to getting YOUR perfect stardoll outfit.And having a wide range of creativity is admired alot on stardoll,as you may already know.So next time your going shopping think about whats in style and how you can adapt it to your own brandmark.
We hope this information will help you,inspire you,but remeber everyone has theire own brandmark,so no copying of outfits!
And don't forget to check out our new craving for new outfits next week!
Lots of love
Emma & Lisa